Easy Pancakes
Choose one of the carb:
1/2 of a banana
1/4 cup of canned pumpkin
1/4 cup of organic apple sauce
Choose one of the fat:
1 TBSP peanut butter
1 TBSP almond butter
or 1 TBSP of nut butter
Add your favorite spices such as cinnamon, chai spice, etc.
2/3 cup (5 oz) of egg whites
1 TBSP coconut flour
Optional stevia for pumpkin and apple sauce
Optional one Reserve Gel Pack as syrup
YIELD 1 - three to four pancakes, 245.8 - 272.8 calories,
21.7g - 22.7 g Protein, 8.75g - 9.25g Fat, 13.75g - 21.75g Carb
1. Put your choice of carb, fats and egg whites into a blender, add optional stevia for sweeter taste blend until smooth.
2. Pour batter into a nonstick pan over medium heat. Put a lid on the pan and cook it just like regular pancake wait until bubbles formed and flip it over. Cook until it slides off the pan.
3. Top with optional one Reserve Gel Pack before serving.